
Rank Name Last Team GP Goals Assists Points PPG SHG PIM
1 Eric Lieberman Kraken Up 824 518 563 1081 37 8 116
2 Phil Harezlak The Herd 378 422 364 786 33 11 223
3 Brian Sloan Fossils 599 270 321 591 30 4 287
4 Paul Sliwowicz Bombers 342 319 249 568 36 13 172
5 Tyler Jefferson Kraken Up 539 304 262 566 31 4 771
6 Yuji Murai Wolves 324 270 289 559 14 24 139
7 Corey James The Herd 188 330 208 538 21 11 53
8 Jeremy Proctor LLUA 469 269 226 495 31 13 116
9 Anthony (Andy) Lindsay Rhinos 495 148 308 456 16 2 334
10 Dan Shaw Hackers (5) 325 176 278 454 14 5 46
11 MacKenzie Crews Rhinos 222 234 218 452 31 7 206
12 Mark Fore Ice-O-Topes 271 304 144 448 13 11 108
13 Doug Faust Puckbuddies 441 197 232 429 21 4 90
14 Brooks Hallin Pull Tab Bandits 222 196 223 419 16 4 126
15 Bryan Fowler Sabercats 301 248 166 414 16 10 223
16 Dzmitry Peravoz Shockers 331 223 191 414 26 9 597
17 Mike Porter Squids 300 251 157 408 22 10 99
18 Jason Shaffer Stingers 385 211 197 408 15 4 245
19 Tim Miyamoto Raiders 398 210 194 404 19 6 76
20 Paul McJannet Birrds (8) 271 268 97 365 25 10 4
21 Josh Van Veldhuizen Jokres (6) 302 212 153 365 29 7 50
22 Matt Fredericks Night Owls 330 206 154 360 25 15 50
23 Jeff Holt Mavericks 189 192 168 360 18 11 64
24 Matt Klupchak (inactive) Van Halen 164 211 148 359 14 17 46
25 Colin McNally Not Sure 259 208 148 356 14 6 34
26 Paul Ternes Ice-O-Topes 169 242 105 347 12 10 36
27 Jeremy Warsett Dead Rabbits 235 202 141 343 16 9 160
28 Chris Stroud LLUA 423 160 181 341 13 5 511
29 Thomas Sommers Night Owls 228 228 105 333 18 12 106
30 T.J. Irish Ale Storm 182 184 149 333 23 4 92
31 Edward (Ted) Carpenter Kokanees 6B 225 173 159 332 16 7 54
32 Kevin Safstrom The Herd 324 150 180 330 25 4 354
33 David Carothers Stingers 280 155 170 325 11 5 48
34 Brandon Gregoire Rhinos 116 189 131 320 27 5 146
35 Kyle Rowe Puckbuddies 161 194 124 318 15 6 167
36 Ronnie Sikka Hackers (5) 236 178 139 317 14 7 202
37 Jeff Taylor Rhinos 434 85 225 310 10 3 700
38 Andrew Tompkins Maple Bars 235 148 160 308 13 3 86
39 Gabriel Loh Wolves 330 166 141 307 24 3 128
40 Trevor Robinson Shockers 197 161 142 303 19 7 72
41 Andrew Howard Chinooks 197 180 119 299 26 5 243
42 Matt Steedle Greasy Weasels 358 146 152 298 16 3 283
43 Matthew Butler Chinooks 258 117 180 297 12 5 112
44 Jeff Bozak Ravens (2) 239 167 128 295 11 5 198
45 Matt Trudeau Koronis Motors 195 122 173 295 10 3 94
46 Wim Ancia Growlers 123 179 114 293 12 5 74
47 Andrew DeFlorio GLY 3A 360 129 163 292 8 1 80
48 Mark Megathlin Fossils 288 143 148 291 9 3 160
49 Brian Side Mustangs 256 130 159 289 15 2 114
50 Dave Cull Wolves 276 117 170 287 15 5 54
Showing 1-50 of 2500 Players